# Prototyping with Adobe XD

From wireframes to visual interfaces, the tool is capable of creating designs of varying depth and details. It lets you drill down on granular details of your design, including grids, colour contrast, and typography. The Free edition includes one active design spec and prototype, 2 GB of cloud storage, and limited Adobe Fonts.

Link (opens new window)

# What is UI UX

UI : what is on the screen. UI (opens new window)

UX : All of the UI, test it and get the feedback. UX (opens new window)

Product designer : Responsible for multiple UI, UX designers, customers and designers. Make sure everybody is going the same way.

# Wireframing (low fidelity)

High fidelity includes all the colors, fonts and images. Wireframing just has basic color, font and layouts.

  • Workout the userflow. How to get from A to B.

# How wide for my website?


1920x1080 and 1366 x768 is the most used resolution for desktop in 2020.

Last Updated: 3/1/2021, 9:19:08 PM